Tag: Feb23 Afternoon session

  • Fancy Fingers Crochet

    Fancy Fingers Crochet

    Crochet your own Fancy Fingers
    Fancy Fingers is a beginner workshop to get you started learning basic crochet skills. We crochet a Fancy Finger/Finger puppet which you can style up and sew eyes onto!
    I’ll show you how to change colours and start making modular objects (Just making shapes really!).
    The skills you’ll learn will help you if you want to make crocheted gloves or amigurumi-style toys in future!

    Did you know crochet is French for hook? I will supply hooks + yarn for this workshop and a friendly face to help you on the way to crocheting lovely stuff.
    with Alex Laight of @LaighNightKnits (follow me on Instagram and YouTube for crochet and knitting tutorials)

    12-2 Daily Thread, The Old Print Works

  • banner making with XR Birmingham

    banner making with XR Birmingham

    Join XR Birmingham from 1pm to 4pm in the Upper Gallery at The Old Print Works.

  • Metal craft with artmettalix

    Metal craft with artmettalix

    Drop in workshop with Mel from Art Metallix, 2pm until 4pm at The Old Print Works – Sessions are drop in