4pm onwards, Upper Gallery, The Old Print Works
A little bit of food, music and drink. Pay as you feel, chilled music, a delicious plant-based meal, good company and craft activities
Pay what you can/free
The Second Saturday of the Month
4pm onwards, Upper Gallery, The Old Print Works
A little bit of food, music and drink. Pay as you feel, chilled music, a delicious plant-based meal, good company and craft activities
Pay what you can/free
18.00 – 21.30, The Old Print Works, free entry
Following on from a writing seminar and poetry workshop on love poems titled: ‘How to Write a Love Jones.’ on Saturday the 8th July there will be a relaxed poetry open mic, with a chance for writers of all abilities, new or seasoned, to share their work and showcase their best love poems at The Old Print Works in Balsall Heath. The open mic ‘An Outpouring of Love (Jones)’ will will lead into a film screening of Love Jones(1997).
An Outpouring of Love open mic and film screening is hosted by Marshea Makosa, who founded Norate & Augustine’s a brand new Midlands based arts and culture platform. She is an earnest Earth Scientist with a love for postcolonial literature and poetry forever and always.