4pm onwards, Drawing room, The Old Print Works, Courtyard Entrance
A little bit of food, music and drink. Pay as you feel, chilled music, a delicious plant-based meal, good company and craft activities
Pay what you can/free
The Second Saturday of the Month
4pm onwards, Drawing room, The Old Print Works, Courtyard Entrance
A little bit of food, music and drink. Pay as you feel, chilled music, a delicious plant-based meal, good company and craft activities
Pay what you can/free
10am – 4pm The Old Print Works, Lower Gallery
Art and crafts from the people at The Old Print Works community and beyond including pottery, art, jewellery, postcards, crafts, and lots lots more.
Retrofit Balsall Heath is planning a day of tours, talks and teas to
mark our one year anniversary and celebrate our Retrofit journey
so far.
In June 2022, drawing inspiration from Balsall Heath’s unique
legacy of grassroots local democracy and the strength of positive
relationships between local faith communities, Retrofit Balsall
Heath secured agreement from Birmingham City Council for the
local community in Balsall Heath to tap LADS 3 funding to retrofit
700 local homes.
So far, nearly 200 homes have had work done to make them more
energy efficient, helping to tackle fuel poverty, health disparities,
and the climate crisis.
We have learned that “Retrofit” is more than a technical term for
insulating existing homes to make them fit for purpose and fit for
the future. It is a transformative concept for whole communities;
for community neighbourhoods and landscapes, and for individual
hearts and minds.
We hope to share our stories, lessons learned, joys and
We welcome practical, financial, spiritual accompaniment and
assistance for our next steps.
Please join us for our
Retrofit Open Day 2-6pm
Friday 30th June 2023
hosted by
zerocarbonhouse Birmingham – you can book here
2pm – 4pm, The Old Print Works
Create an acrylic painting of a photo of your choice.
Why not paint a scenic landscape? Or a portrait of someone you love? Or paint a cartoon that you loved when you were younger?
This is a mindful art workshop, so all we ask is for you to bring positive vibes. For this workshop can you please print out your picture so it fills an A4 piece of paper and we’ll do the rest! If you don’t have access to a print, please email hello@nurtureandheal.co.uk
11am until 1pm, Drawing Room, Courtyard Entrance, The Old Print Works
Monthly family carving club, all ages welcome, learn how to use a sharp knife to make beautiful things from wood
Donation/ pay what you feel – drop in
11-1 The Old Print Works organised by 0121 Collective CIC
Please book via eventbrite link https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-front-room-cyanotype-windrush-75-tapestry-workshop-tickets-607324192007?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=escb
This is an inter generational project that aims to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Windrush generation. To do this we are running free workshops where we will use cyanotypes photo process (blue prints) to share stories, learn and connect with each other. It’s free to join in.
Everyone is welcome and we especially would love to see people from the Windrush communities in Birmingham to come forward and share stories.
We have three Saturday sessions coming up June to August which wil take place on Balsall Heath Second Saturday sessions where The Old Print Works and other places nearby hold a monthly creative open day.
The workshop will last two hours and theme of this session is The Front Room – which explores the African-Carribean front room and how migrant families set up home in Britain. We will mainly look at how lace and dollies were a big part of these spaces. We will use lace and dollies to make cyanotypes and share stories.
Tianna who is leading the project will tell you about her Nan’s front room who moved to Birmingham in the 1960s from Jamaica. Tracey who is the lead artist on the project will help people to make cyanotypes using lace and dollies on fabric and paper.
Cyanotype is a 19th Century photo process which uses the sun or a UV lamp to make amazing blue images.
We invite people to add work through a cyanotype image to the collaborative tapestry (fabric) that we are making for the project.
It’s free come and all materials provided.
The project is funded by National Lottery Community Fund
2pm, The Old Print Works.
Music wellbeing workshop for people of all ages
Everyone welcome – no musical experience required.