A fun and relaxing workshop exploring the act of listening to others. Join us in listening to some children’s story books being read aloud, before crafting your very own ‘listening stick’ using twigs, wool and fabric. Finally, we’ll work together to create our very own story inspired by the prompt ‘listen to children!’
Books we’ll read from include: The Rabbit Listened by Cori Doerrfeld, Quiet Please, Owen McPhee! by Trudy Ludwig, and the classic Not Now, Bernard by David McKee
Things to note:
*This is not a drop-in workshop. Please arrive at the start time. *Children must not be left unsupervised at the venue. Parents and guardians are invited to sit in on the workshop, or relax in our cafe area that adjoins the workshop space. *This session will be audio recorded for the purposes of documentation. No names or identifying features will be associated with recorded voices. If you’d like to know more, please contact us by emailing ella@thegapartsproject.co.uk
Some of you may be wondering, what is a vision board?
A vision board is usually a collage of images that represent your goals and dreams. It can include cut-out pictures from magazines or new papers and words that inspire you to truly believe in your dreams☁️💖
Nurture and Heal are passionate about creating a safe space for people to be encouraged to dream big. They want to support you to make things come into fruition and most importantly, believe that your dreams are reachable.
No experience is required (there is no right or wrong way here, this workshop is for relaxation purposes and welcome anyone eager to learn and develop their creativity skills), all materials will be provided!
Look at some types of goals that you may want to include in a vision board:
Social Goals
This is an amazing opportunity for you to create a collage for your hopes and dreams and meet new people in a warm and welcoming space!
Moseley Road Baths invites you ‘Back to Ours’. The Gala Pool has been designed by Friction Arts to create a gentle space with and for local residents where visitors can relax, engage and converse. Playful installations, made by our contributors, are inside and outside the building invite us to examine and celebrate our communal and individual heritage, as well as the rich, complex history of the Baths and of Balsall Heath, and to strengthen the future that we will create together.
This is made possible by the National Lottery Heritage Fund.
CODA Workshop: Ask an Architect/ Living Furniture 10:00 – 16:00
Through the three months of Balsall Heath’s Living Room local architects CODA Workshop will be resident in the space, inviting us to share memories of our most treasured pieces of furniture, exploring what and who makes these items so special to us and creating models and designs of furniture in response to our memories.
CODA will also be giving you a chance to Ask an Architect anything! What are your design queries or building woes? Wondering how you can best use the space in your home, or how it can be more energy efficient? Your local neighbourhood architects are here to help…
CODA Workshop are Birmingham-based architects interested in the interaction of art, landscape, history and the built environment. CODA are guided by natural and sustainable principles and the aim to create spaces that improve the quality of our lives.
Edible Garden Workshops 11:00 – 16:00
Fruit and Nut Village will be adding a temporary orchard to our courtyard, which has been transformed into Balsall Heath’s Play Kitchen and Pocket Garden. We’ll become custodians of their edible plants and fruit trees for the duration of Balsall Heath’s Living Room.
Join us on 8th July to grow your own edible plants with Fruit and Nut Village.
Mini Athletics 14-14:30 (4-7 year olds) 14.30-15pm (1-3 year olds)
As part of Balsall Heath’s Living Room Mini Athletics South Birmingham are here!
At Mini Athletics we take what children love to do the most (running super fast, jumping high and throwing far) and mix it with imaginative themes, learning to follow instructions, making friends and developing gross motor skills. It’s the magical combination of imaginative play sports and burning energy!
11-1 The Old Print Works organised by 0121 Collective CIC
This is an inter generational project that aims to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Windrush generation. To do this we are running free workshops where we will use cyanotypes photo process (blue prints) to share stories, learn and connect with each other. It’s free to join in.
Everyone is welcome and we especially would love to see people from the Windrush communities in Birmingham to come forward and share stories.
We have three Saturday sessions coming up June to August which wil take place on Balsall Heath Second Saturday sessions where The Old Print Works and other places nearby hold a monthly creative open day.
The workshop will last two hours and theme of this session is The Front Room – which explores the African-Carribean front room and how migrant families set up home in Britain. We will mainly look at how lace and dollies were a big part of these spaces. We will use lace and dollies to make cyanotypes and share stories.
Tianna who is leading the project will tell you about her Nan’s front room who moved to Birmingham in the 1960s from Jamaica. Tracey who is the lead artist on the project will help people to make cyanotypes using lace and dollies on fabric and paper.
Cyanotype is a 19th Century photo process which uses the sun or a UV lamp to make amazing blue images.
We invite people to add work through a cyanotype image to the collaborative tapestry (fabric) that we are making for the project.
It’s free come and all materials provided.
The project is funded by National Lottery Community Fund
July 8th 2023 2 – 5pm Drawing room, The Old Print Works, Courtyard entrance
Balsall Heath Repair Cafe is back again at Balsall Heath Second Saturday. Repairers include woodwork ,brass polishing, general repairs, textiles, knife sharpening, bike repair, scrapstore, mechanical electrics, textiles. Check balsallheathrepaircafe.org for repairers closer to the day